aveavalito (at) gmail.com
Kira Maria Shewfelt lives and works in Los Angeles, CA
M.F.A New York University
M.A. Art History, University of Southern California
B.A. Literature, Yale University
Solo Exhibitions
The Yearlings, Make Room, Los Angeles, CA
Group Exhibitions
Tête-à-tête, Pallas Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Loop, Hum, Wave, Weisman Museum of Art, Malibu, CA
piano, piano, Et Al gallery, San Francisco, CA
The Angels, Baik Art Gallery & The Noblesse Collection, Seoul, Korea
Make Room booths, Art SG, Singapore, Malaysia & Art 021 Shanghai, China
LA Dreams 2: Light Touch, CFHILL, Stockholm, Sweden
Flower Shop, Smoke the Moon, Santa Fe, NM
Telescoping, False Cast Gallery, Santa Monica, CA2023
A Body is a Home, Hyperspace, Culver City, CA
Hot Tropic, La Loma Projects, Eagle Rock, CA
Peripheral Reverie, Penske Projects, Montecito, CA
So Far, La Loma Projects, Eagle Rock, CA
In Excess, Jacob’s West, Spring Break Art Show, Los Angeles, CA
We are Gathered Here Today, Dread Lounge, Los Angeles, CA
Sweet Cheeks, Big Pictures, Los Angeles, CA
Barker Hanger, Odd Ark, Los Angeles CA
Good Smoke/Good Poke, Zero Zero, Los Angeles, CA
Liminal Bodies, gallery ALSO, Los Angeles CA
Full House, Half Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
American Fine Arts: Allegory for America
Part 1: Life’s Not Fair, People Don’t Act Right, BBQLA, Los Angeles, CA
Part 2: On the Tip of my Tongue, Cloaca Projects, San Francisco, CA
Part 3: A Fool’s Journey - Traveling Exhibition: Houston,
Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Kansas City, St. Paul, Omaha, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Indianapolis
Part 4: Lost & Found, Milwaukee Ave, Chicago,
Part 5: Livin’ a Dream Reality, Marvin Gardens, Ridgewood, NY
Part 6: Life on Mars, Current Projects, Miami, FL
Part 7: Reprise, Art Movement LA, Los Angeles, CA
2017 Power, Eastern Projets, Los Angeles, CA
GIFC, Zero Zero, Los Angeles, CA
Minds_i, Dalton’s Warehouse, Los Angeles, CA
Leave the Light On, Alt.a.mira, Los Angeles, CA
Friends, Do Not Fear. New Image Art, Los Angeles, CA
Sprung, Hunter Shaw Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA
Darren Goins/Kira Shewfelt, Elevator Mondays, Los Angeles, CA.
2016 Remedios/Winter in Brazil, Largo das Artes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Hey Ladies, Co-LAb Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2015 NYU MFA Thesis Show, 80 WSE, New York, NY
2014 Oh good, you’re still here, let’s go surfing, 80 WSE, New York, NY
Nobody Died That Year, 80 WSE, New York, NY
Pepperdine University, 2020- current
West LA College, 2019- 2020
ArtworxLA, 2018-2019
LAUSD Gifted & Talented Programs, 2019
Inner City Arts, 2017
Proyecto Sitié, 2016
New York University, 2013-2015

nimble spirits
take form